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Blinken’s fourth visit to region, Red Sea ships beef up security – Trending

Trending Middle East brings you the latest social media and search trends from the region and around the world.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is meeting Arab leaders on his fourth visit to the Middle East since the Gaza war began, as part of a week-long tour to calm tension in the region.
A number of vessels travelling through the Red Sea now carry armed security personnel using high-grade intelligence provided by the US-led naval task force to combat the Iran-backed Houthis, a Yemeni militant group that has disrupted shipping since the start of the Gaza war.
Lebanon suspends its oversight authority for capital markets, a decision condemned as “dangerous” by one of its board members. The regulatory body had previously uncovered major financial scandals.
A total of Dh100 million is allocated to foster regional innovation during the launch of a new research centre at Dubai’s Museum of the Future.
